Get £100 per property if you refer a landlord to us
Two good things will happen in you refer a landlord to us.
Good thing number 1:
If you refer a landlord to us you will have helped them find a responsive and experienced property management company. And they will be extremely grateful to you
Good thing number 2:
You’ll get £100 per property so if your landlord has ten properties well then that would be a nice little earner.
There are a few terms & conditions apply:
- The referred landlord must come on board as a customer of ours.
- The referred landlord must sign up for our main T&Cs and not in line with any special offers.
- If it’s an empty property, you will receive your £100 when we tenant the property and are paid by the landlord
- If it’s a tenanted property, you will receive your £100 when we receive our monthly commission.
It really is that easy!